Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day One

woke up at 7:30 am then walked to petrol station as i realised i had bought the wrong sized batteries and thought i forgot deoderant haha. Then got breakfast at hotel had a yoghurt and a piece of taost went upstairs and got changed packed all my stuff and then left to take bus.

Took the express bus where I met a guy also from perth from same flight as me who was gonig on student exchange to denmark. After this i took the bus to liverpool st station and then went to the tube. half the tube line was down for maintainence so they werent sure if my stop was cancelled luckily it wasnt so took tube (which wasnt that busy ...but lots of stairs escpecially if youre carrying a suitcase) then took the bus to the clink. it was around 11am so too early to check in so went on facebook for a bit before going for a walk. followed signs and ended up london canal museum which was probably worst 3 pounds spent haha but the map gave me directions to camden markets and showed me banksy art on the river. ended up walking to camden markets looking for banksy art didnt find any but saw white swans then spent a couple of hours at the camden markets where i bought shoes from first shop i went into and saw plenty of others i liked. I then browsed for a bit saw some william and kate tshirts was considering buying for the novelty factor had a look in ALDO shoe shop, h&m and american apparel. was excited by american apparel but didnt buy anything as prices were the same as in Australia. then got lunch at i think its called pect or pent? its a sanwhich shop anyway where i got pickle and chedder sandwhich for 2 pounds and a bottle of water. by now my feet were hurting so i went to boots where literally EVERYONE was sick so i covered my mouth and nose haha and bought bandaids, then got cash out for free at barclay. then walked around a bit more and mum called me so talked to her and started to walk back into kings cross I found a short cut so cut my walk by 3/4 miles. ...according to the sign.

then got back into hostel where i checked in went on fb again and then went to the british library which was actually really interesting as I saw orginal alice in wondelrand, shakespeare, gospel of john , jane eyre and virginia wolfe and hans sloane as well as original mozart beethoven and beatles. no photos were allowed. after that i walked back to hostel where I am now and met a girl in my room whose from adelaide and went on the same tour as me, she's just finished it. I went to upload photos but realised i brought the wrong camera cord....woops oh well i'll just upload them when i get home. I'm liking travelling alone at this point all i do is walk everywhere and do whatever I want

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