Monday, January 17, 2011

DAY 1 PART 2, day 2

Well in the afternoon I met my other room mates Flora from Brazil whose a dancer and same age as me she is also engaged! and me and her took the tube to leciester square where we went to china town to get some food and got a buffet dinner then went back to the room met marina from france whose here doing her finals exams.

Had some jetlag so was asleep at 9pm but woke up for a bit at 12 i think its because its 8am in perth but fell asleep and woke up at 6 had breakfast and then caught tube to oxford st where i hit the shops hard....went to topshop and im in love with it tried heaps of stuff on but stuck to my budget and bought a really nice musturd yellow blouse and then went to the shoe section. THEY STOCK JEFFREY CAMPBELL! IM IN LOVE! then went to selfridges which is a really nice big department store I bought some navy loose shorts they're really nice to wear with my new blouse. I then walked around for a couple of hours and got lunch at pret again. Pret is the best chain of food ever made you get all sandwhiches (miss maude style bread rolls, wraps and sandwhiches) with all gourmet fillings but you can also by soup salad sushi and fruit. it's also really cheap they should open one in perth. Then I walked from totterham to british museum where i saw some mummies and then took the tube to wellcome museum which is the health museum but it was shut so just got back to the hostel

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